
Showing posts from February, 2009

Coat Rack with carved dogfish

Yellow Lab dogfish is carved by Morning Star Design and attached to wrought iron coat rack Screwed into the wall it fastens in four places with 16 inches on center 5 hooks $125.00 Black Lab,Spotted Lab, Chocolate Lab are all available too!

Snowy doorway for the Village Weaver shop

Snow is piling up but the weaving is still going on in the shop. Sunnier days are ahead and the Village Weaver is creating items for your visit.

Blacksmith barn workshop

Scottish Lion shop. Built last year 2008. On front is a large lion door knocker and lion handles. Doors slide open for viewing of Andy at work. Next to the shop is Andy's showroom

Winter 2009 at the Scottish Lion and Friends

Winter here at the Scottish Lion and Friends Wow, snowy and more on the way! Shown to the right of sign here is the "In the Pinch" a rock and iron sculpture. The buildings in background are display spaces of our work and other artisans.

Bedspread and pillowcases hand woven by the Village Weaver

Pillowcases and bedspread are all cotton and machine washable with cool water . This shade of red I call Cranberry with the natural color of the cotton used to create this lovely combo. Buttons are mother of pearl . Pillow case fits a regular size pillow. The bedspread is of cotton and is machine washable . It has an edge that runs the length of the bed that has a Cranberry thread used in a blanket stitch.

Pewter plate crafted by ASL pewter of Missouri

lead free plates plus forks ,spoon ladle

Lamp Shade in hand woven pumpkin and linen fabric

Lamp also in old colonial red all for $118.00 plus me state tax. This lamp and shade were hand made by the "Village Weaver "and" Saltbox pottery" all available at Scottish Lion and Friends. Open Fri and Sat 10-5 or call for appointment

Jean Calquhoun painting of maritime and historic newspaper clipping

Taking real antique newspaper clipping of a shipping event that happened in 1795,Jean depicts the sailing craft above it in watercolor . Primitive illustration expertly crafted and beautifully framed. This piece is 8x10 framed asking $175.00 plus me state tax. I have this piece plus one other available for sale at the Scottish Lion and Friends. Also a larger piece with a shipping bill of lading from 1801 with ports and Captain Oakes mentioned .

Valentine Day Print by Brenda Erickson

Cherry Cake in a heart shape available here for $35.oo plus 5% me state tax at the Scottish Lion and Friends. This 8x10 framed print is ready to hang . Artist Brenda Erickson has released this for a special Valentine gift . Brenda has ""Recipe paintings available . Come in and take a look at Scottish Lion and Friends open Feb 14 10-5pm