
Showing posts from April, 2010

Rich textiles !

Claret twill throw hanging from wrought iron shelf brackets  . This holds a shelf and a rod perfect for hanging a display .Above on the shelf I have ASL pewter plates . Throw is 53 x64 and is wool woven by J.Ulrich $180.00 Pillows are also by J. Ulrich and are 18 inches square $58.00each These are very lovely and created by hand. They are available here at my weaving studio

Seaside soap and candle are here!

These candles are fragrant and some are colorful but with out a fragrance . We are carrying these new candles and their soap. All created here in Bristol You can find out more about them on Facebook The soap is made from coconut oil and palm oil . If you have dry skin or rough hands . Right now I have from gardening. These soaps are soft to the skin ,>click on link!/seasidesoapandcandle?ref=ts Visit us on the Bristol Rd Bristol to see Seaside soap and candle on display and for sale Open Fri,Sat 10-4 Sun 1-4 till the season begins Open Memorial Day weekend with regular hours

Spring is time for shearing and spinning yarn!

  Well, I am going to share two new blogs I have come across . One is my neighbor that I purchase fresh eggs from They also have a herd of  Coopworth sheep that they grow organically selling the meat and spinning the wool. Jim ,shepherd also is a woodworker and creates spindles and spinning tools. Check their blog out as they have wonderful  handmade items for sale! Next is a spinner that is taking you through the steps of washing a fleece and has a youtube link to watch. Her spinning experiences are fun reading and I enjoyed her keeping the art of spinning alive.Go to: You can also find her products on Look on the margin of this blog to find her link. <p><iframe src="

Taxes paid in wool!

In 1645 all sheep were accounted for and wool export from England was stopped.The colonist held dear their valuable sheep . By 1660 there were 100,000 sheep in the colonies.For their success the colonies were penalized .By an enactment of the Massachusetts courts every house hold was required to produce 3 pounds of spun yarn every week for thirty weeks.If not they were fined 12 pence. An unmarried aunt,sister,was given the legal title of "spinster" at that time to help meet that new rule. The breeding of sheep and the processing of wool and the spinning of wool became the all-important endeavors of every man ,woman and child early in the colony.Raising of sheep became common for many New Hampshire in the seventeenth century as apart of their existence..Rhode Island payed their taxes from 1665 to 1690 not with money but with wool. Excerpt from the book"Handwoven Textiles of New England" Handwoven Textiles of Early New England: The Legacy of a Rural People, 1640-1880

More rocks!

Andy has just finished and installed this railing in an interior home . These were special rocks to the customer so Andy created a railing holding them .(Scroll to bottom)Llook at the Rock Pillar candle holder . This is about 10" high and holds a 4 dia inch pillar candle.See the Rock Paper towel holder for your counter. Very few can claim to have one of these. Frommer's Maine Coast (Frommer's Complete) Fodor's Maine Coast, 2nd Edition: With Acadia National Park (Fodor's Gold Guides)

Balancing rocks that spin

Trust me these two balancing rocks spin around on this point of metal. I tried to give the feeling of these two rocks moving around in a circle positioned on a point of sharpened metal stem vertically driven into the ground. For those who have seen this will know . It is time to place your order for these garden sculptures. They can be shipped and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Gate for a Garden with Maine rocks

Gate for a Garden in iron and beach stones created by Andrew Leck Spring is finally happening here in Maine and if your garden needs some sprucing up here is a great way to add fun and keep the pests out. A custom designed garden gate by Andrew Leck to suit your specific gate opening Search for maine gardens Search for maine gardens Search for maine gardens Search for maine gardens

Crafting a Business for budding craftspeople for Spring!

 Kathy Fitzgerald  wrote her book on Crafting a Business which has got Phyllis Leck ,Village Weaver in it. This describes here profile and how she came to be a weaver ,mother of three and wife of the Scottish Lion Wrought Iron, Andrew Leck.