Old Fashioned wash tubs

Wash tub?Heating hot water?Cooking?
Cast Iron creosote from chimney
Could this be what these are? Wash tubs inset into the chimney? They have built in fireboxes underneath that the flue connects to the chimney. I love the cabinets built in to the chimney . If I were able to use this I imagine they would be warm and perfect for raising bread, making yogurt or keeping warm dishes. There are two of these cast iron tubs . Filled with hot water you could keep pots of food warm. This was an early farm house from the early 1800's and if they had a lot of folks to feed. .. well,
I saw this once at a Shaker Village in Hancock ,MA.They had water under all the cooking pots. Does any one know?
This is in my kitchen now but years ago this was an unheated section of the house and it was only used in the summer/fall. On the other side of this chimney was the kitchen/keeping room.
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Rachel said…
Wow! Those are interesting! I've never seen any before! Thanks for sharing!
I wish I knew what to tell you, but I have no idea what they are. They look interesting. I hope someone can enlighten you, and then you can enlighten us cuz I'd love to know, too. :)

Thanks for linking up to the party. I really appreciate it.

I imagine it was quite modern in the day. You would not have had to be outside to make your soap over a fire or boil down your Maple Syrup. Hot water I think was a constant need.The fireplace on the other side would have been small for boiling any large amounts of hot water. This all my guess though . I can't find anyone to tell me for sure.

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